Wednesday, February 29, 2012



The Earth travels through the sphere of the sun each year. But the Solar system and sun travel through the celestial sphere with 2100 years per sign.

We had the age of Mu (Lemuria) prior to 13,000 BC, and then the small Ice Age and the Clan of the Cave bear times in Virgo cycle around 11000 BCE. Atlantis followed surrounding the Atlantic in 10,000 to 3000 BC, and the Eqyptians and Mayans followed them into the Taurus and Aries cycles of the past. Now the European, Asian, and Middle Eastern nations expanded into the time of Christ that has come up to the present, from the age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius which begins in this century.

The time has come to begin a new zodiac and calendar system. The following is an example of the 14 signs in 26 degree periods, taking us through the year. This zodiac includes the Ophiuchus, doctor-healer, the Bear, ursa major, and the Winged Horse, Pegasus, as well as the Eagle, the Swan, the Owl, the Shepherd, the Hero, the River, the Charioteer, The Unicorn, the Dolphin and the Swan, and the Whale. Each sign lines up with a group which is aligned with the equator to the north pole through each of the gradiants.

A key is the north star aligned with Polaris about 2100. This suggests a new system of Navigation is in order. We may find a 7 month calendar, one which represents 2 of each of the signs. The days of the week are 6 days sol weeks, which correspond with the suns movement more than days of the week, but we may also find the 6 day week with 4 day work week and 2 days weekend will be quite a bit more natural and to our liking in the physical effort, to find a more relaxed and still functional world and national system. What matters most is not the sign or the system, but rather what we choose in the most loving balanced way, that we use the principles,especially those of love, deny the use of power or force except in positive means, and welcolme the most useful human and true practice, of heart and spiritual principle. Here we may only begin to present how that principle is aligned with our world and this lifetime

The Celestial zodiac leads us to a wider greater view of who we are. We can also find these sol signs as significant inner relations using the laws of harmonics. The 60x harmonic gives us the sol or inner sign, which is our inner self, in this lifetime. The progressions of the main natural signs and the sol signs gives us a more full connection to the celestial and earthy sphere, and to unify them, with a natural progression of soul and self. Both are progressing in humanity and in the spiritual dimension, as we all become more aware of this true inner and spiritual balance. This is probably a statement of who and what we truly are, in the greater sense, the real purpose of the 2012 events which align the equatorial and celestial sphere once every 26,000 years. It is only that the event is not centered in one day or year, but is a becoming over at least a 100 year cycle.

Read on SOL ZODIAC IN THESE BLOGSPOTS and please comment and share.

Best; Paneagle

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