There is a code to the Universe. Sought as a theory of everything, the actual mystery is found in the Spiritual code which highlights our universal conditions, but which transcends the physical dimension. The Universe of Spirit is codified in the physical matrix of our universe. That it has the Astrology relation is a cognizant and relative association.
First we must acknowledge, Soul, Spirit and God. These being the transcendental elements, we find them as the effect or relative universal position of source, such that spiritual principles exist from the human and universal elements. We do this by comparisons which gives us a formula of the code. The unique code is the specialized, like the mind that must specify the universal principle in order to make effect.
This Spirit code is a 3 in 3 matrix. The physical code is Body, Mind, and Soul. God created its essence, the spirit, which works through the Soul, the individual. This is the atom, neutron and proton, alike to the Suns, galaxy, and universal medium.
Let us take a balloon likened from the big bang expansion of the universe, like the micro and macro universe. The balloon expands in all directions. You are Soul as are all, on the edge of your expanding bubble, but with the natural dynamic creativity of the original (spirit). Therefore, the big bang continues universally without end, as do we, as Soul. Our human nature is the one spot we own, with the spirit of all, but in our unique specialized space. Equidistant from all other stars, as suns in the sky.
The Tri-Astrological model is the sun and its three degrees, and the three degrees in all positions. These are noted in the formula, which is the 1x, 60x, and 3600x harmonics. These relate the solar, Sol (as Soul) and the Spirit. The model greatly reflects the sun, the galaxy of suns, and the universe of suns, and the Soul, Spirit and God. It is only that the God level of course is not manifest or capable on this physical level of manifest, because of its nature as source. The seed is not the plant, is it? But the seed bears fruit in the plant.
The universal model is spiritual in this code. For example imagine a Soul's diamond on a mountain of God, with a tree of heaven, and a river of spirit flowing through the ocean of love and mercy. We compare each of these to the universe of Earth, the Sun, Planets as the tree, the Galaxy as the river, and the universe of stars as the ocean of spirit.
Now we can expand our own universal contract to the personal universe as well, where we are a sun in our world, with its soul as light within and the spirit as the river of atoms or cells, and God as the unknown, mysterious, unmanifest source.
The spirit works through the agency of individual, in both a returning and expanding flow. The Astrological model is the reflection of the universal elements, which is a unity with the spiritual code. But in this lower world we must acknowledge the strata of polarity, thus that humans manifest in polarity as couples mate and offspring, or the combination of negative and positive that manifest.
Here the three are the Laws of karma, reincarnation, and astrology or laws of cycles. These principles reflect science in the law of cause and effect, gravity, and relativity, as laws of time and space. The psycho-dynamic is our relative association from a spiritual perspective. When we allow our being as spiritual, that is we are Soul in the body, not a body with a Soul.
In this light, the Astrology or law of cycles, the Soulogy or spiritual psychology, and the Nuetics, of Universal principles, brings again the 3x3. The practical real aspects of Nuetics are E-conomics, Education, and Environment, also reflecting body, mind and emotions in realized and organized human and worldly aspects. Soulogy brings the spiritual context to the mind, and Neutics brings the realistic aspect of the Soul.
We find the manifest temporal quality, and the eternal evervescent quality. The polarity law of karma, reincarnation and cycles will each have end points, while the soul, and spirit principles have no beginning or end. These come together in the human and worldly elements, which presents us with the finite and infinite aspects of life.
The formula of time and space is in our stars, the gravity, and laws of physics. The Formula in the sun, simply has the three degrees, which are manifest in the signs of the zodiac, or month, the sol sign of 12 hour periods like the normal rotation of day or night hours, Sol in the 60x formula, and the 12 minute spirit sign, which is noted in the 3600x formula.
The Sol is like to Soul, the Sun, as the star, or star light, and Helios, the name of our Sun. It also aligns to the Cells, the structure of our bodies, which are made of the sun and water mostly and the four principle elements of the world.
The four elements known, give way to a 5th, the ether, where the code, and the fourth dimension exist. Now beyond this is the spiritual dimension, where Soul lives. We can find in the Sol matrix the 15x, 30x, 60x as reflection of the causal, mental, and soul body in each person. The 1x is the physical. We make this our center point of the other inner bodies, which we have. Let me add, when we die, the physical body dies, but the emotion body still lives, and we go to it, like the light of the sun. This is the common body we dream in as well, although we have the higher bodies also. The causal body is often found for dreams of purpose and change. It is less that man uses the higher bodies, but they are with us (or to say we are with them) just the same.
We follow the Sun as principle in the physical model, and thus see in this universe its reflection in the solar universe. The sol formula comes of using the Sun's 1x, 60x, and 3600x. Now we have the relative proportion to our human and spiritual present in the physical dimension. We must add it also opens us to the spiritual dimension that we live in, although we may not see it manifest as power or force, because we do not wish to manipulate the natural or spiritual forces. That this matrix exists and our unity with it is perfect, is enough.
In Astrology of this code, the principle is your own 1x, 60x, and 3600x signs comes in the formula. The main 1x and 60x Sun and Sol degrees are used, with the Sun, Moon, Rising, and Midheaven at birth. We can then progress or regress these forward or backward to know past lives, future lives, and our present. The degrees are mathematical as 1 to 1, and 1 degree to a year, decade, or century or even the Millenium. You can find contact points to the SMRH (sun moon rising midheaven) and to the places in your natal chart which are significant. These planet conjunctions provide key dates in current cycles and present years.
The keynote of this method is exactness. The intepretation of things such as past lives are only indicators for yourself to know who you are. The use of the formula is to know or find who you are. Now you can begin to transcend or end the karmic influences, that is release, and find the higher principle, the eternal model, and the living Soul. Take SOL ASTROLOGY as it is, not the be all and end all of God or Spirit or Soul, but only our physical model to find the universal code, which begins the spiritual returning to the origin. This is where your real freedom and soul realization comes.
main Astrology points