Friday, January 21, 2011


Congratulations. You and a short list of students CAN NOW ENROLL in a year long ASTROLOGY Self-Realization course provided by Paneagle's School of Light.


Here are the essentials: This past month we have begun to formulate and work in the process of the class. Your own chart serves as the focal point.

The position of the full moon to your sun sign will partially determine which module you are working with. The other is a basic format which I will email each month.

We will cover the basics in Month 1, and send you the SOL ASTROLOGY PRIMER - in the form of ASTRO SOUL e-file. Additional materials are the SOULOGY, spiritual psychology.

Each student is individual and will be led and taught individually.Each month you will raise your personal or particular interests through Astrology. These will be focused during the new moon and full moon periods. We will be using your own chart aspects, planets, houses, and signs. These four elements form the building blocks of the study.

Each month, 12 MODULES are aligned to the 12 sign-months.

3 GOALS OF THE COURSE: You should realize how to read your Astrology. Students will realize how to chart their own course, and you will take the next step to self-realization.

The course is modeled on a higher spiritual model. Therefore, there is spiritual practice relative to the Cycles and Aspects. What you get out of the course will be up to you. But there will be a lot on offer.

Paneagle is your teacher, the Sol Astrologer, Galactician, Founder Eagle Works and the School of Light. Astrologer Since 1975.

Module 1 is Aries, basics, signs and elements, Conjunctions, Mars, Self.
Module 2 is Taurus - Planets, bodies (basics and practical realities of the chart), Venus, Love.
Module 3 is Reading the Chart, Mercury aspects, Trines
Module 4 is Moon and Cancer, Houses, Squares, foundations.
Module 5 is Leo, the Soul Star, Light, illumination, Sol Signs, solar arcs.
Module 6 is Craft of Techniques and Methods, Mercury and Chiron, Sextile.
Module 7 is Signs as Relationships, Lilith, opposition, unity/polarity.
Module 8 is Scorpio, Pluto, power, pinpointing, karma, arcs, dragon head nodes.
Module 9 is Sagittarius, Jupiter, higher knowledge, Progressions/Opportunity
Module 10 is Capricorn, past, regressions, Saturn/Challenges, semi-square.
Module 11 is Aquarius, Uranus, special aspects, technology software use, Sol Astrology
Module 12 is Pisces, Neptune, INtuition, realization, completion, or renewal,

We will cover each module but you will be able to work on your
individual module which may vary across this spectrum.

Remember you are a channel, a prism of light with rainbow colors.
Be a Rainbow, be Soul, and be who you are.

Sol Astrology is only one aspect of the art of seeing. Sol Signs and the Galactic Zodiac is a very special study included in the Astro School of Light.

There are no fees for this course. (Value is in the hundreds of dollars) Your donations are well-received. Thank you. Maybe you will realize self-realization is a key goal through the course. It is in our trust that you will.

Acknowledge feedback of this transmission. Do not attempt to turn off your television set. (and Smile)
You will find this is of the highest quality Astrology in the world.
Other new students are invited ongoing at any point during the year. You are invited today.

Best to all; Paneagle,